Sitting at my wheel early this morning, I was reminded, as I often am, of just how pleasurable it is to spin yarn. I love my spinning wheel and I spin every day. I wouldn't miss it. First thing in the morning, after I've fed my kitty, BeeGee, I sit down to spin, to organize my thoughts for the day, decide how I want the day to look, how I imagine it unfolding before me. Frequently, little things I've been meaning to do but have tucked away in the folds of my brain will come back while I'm spinning, and I'll get up, do that little task or project, and come right back to the wheel. Several times throughout the day, when I'm finished with one project but not on to the next quite yet, or as a segue between one part of the day and the next, or even as a mini-break in the routine of something else, I will sit down and spin. It is so grounding to me, like being home again at the beginning of things. I also get a lot of spinning done, which is a good thing, being a fiber artist.

I completed the shadow weave scarf I began last Friday, and now I'm on to another one. Here are a couple photos of the finished one...
And here's BeeGee, the feline love of my life, sitting on a weaving, no less. He loves to help me fringe my pieces!
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