Ditto for the CDs. For many years I was building collections of Jazz CDs, Bluegrass, Cajun, Western Swing, Swing, and rock from MY rock era. Other than the rock, I've slowly been selling off the others. Most of them I haven't listened to in maybe 10 years. Probably time to let 'em go, eh?
I sold two major pieces of my art at Etsy today, and I'm totally stoked! I've sold a lot of fiber and yarn there since the end of 2007, but this was my first sale of finished work -- two scarves, one of them a woven shibori, to the same buyer. Honest to God, I was beginning to wonder whether anyone in the world was looking at my art seriously -- as in, something they would actually buy. Below is the piece that sold...tomorrow it leaves for its new home in Missouri.

I've had a hard time of it lately, what with North Coast Open Studios last weekend essentially being a bust for me (and many other artists, locally, from what I've heard). So today's sale really juices me up again for this coming weekend's Open Studio, as well as sales from elsewhere. Now I KNOW it can really happen, it's not just something that happens for other artists! I feel like I've made it into a club, of sorts. Wow!
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