Those of you following
my personal blog know that I've been out of commission lately with a bad back. I've been in a heckuva lot of pain for the past several days. It's been nearly impossible for me to sit for more than a few minutes (I'm standing at my kitchen counter as I write this but even now, my back is aching), consequently I've been laying down reading most of the weekend. In other words, no weaving, very little knitting, very little spinning. And I haven't even been reading my art books because I know I'd only want to get up and do stuff I can't do at the moment.
However, I did get word this weekend that one of the pieces I submitted to Woman Made Gallery's Object of Desire exhibition was selected! WomanMade is in Chicago, so I am especially stoked to have one of my pieces going there. The exhibition dates are October 10 - November 13. I'll post another link as the show opens. But here's an image of the piece that I'll be showing there.

Anyway, I gotta go, I'm in pain and have to go lay down on the floor!
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