The second piece is a silk and tencel scarf I did a while back. The white silk warp was painted with black, then I used handspun black tencel for the weft. It was in my personal collection, and I liked it but always felt it needed something else. Today I applied some metallic paint, and now I've decided to cut the piece in half, hand stitch the two halves together, and make a wall piece out of it.
This was the first handwoven piece that I've applied paint to and I wanted to see what that was like. I felt dispassionate about it, which is a good thing. I suppose one needs to have somewhat of a thick skin to do what I'm doing on dear-to-my-heart handwoven fabric. The fact that for years now I've let go of my attachment to handspun weaving thrums (loom waste) and thrown them away if I didn't have a really good use for them, has prepared me for this bigger step.
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