The process was exactly the same for both. I soaked the fabric in the solution for a bit, drip dried, ironed onto freezer paper, printed the image, let it set for at least 30 minutes, washed in cold water with synthrapol, dried and ironed.
Not only is the image vastly better with BJS over fabric softener, but I also boosted the image quality and contrast when I printed the fabric softened batch! A couple more complaints about fabric softener: I hate the way that stuff smells, and no matter what scent you get, it still stinks up the house. I also dislike the rather oily-soft hand of the fabric, plus the fact that you can feel the softener in the fabric (as well as smell it) pretty much forever. So I'm finished with that stuff.
I've got more BJS soaked fabric drying overnight so I can print a few images tomorrow and get on with my projects.
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