Here's this week's quilt, 20/52.2009, and also my ode to the month of May...entitled
Beltane Fire. Likely you know that Beltane is the Celtic/Pagen festival celebrating the beginning of the pastoral summer season, more commonly observed as May Day on May 1. During Beltane, great bonfires would mark a time of purification and transition, heralding in the summer season in the hope of a good harvest later in the year.
The fabric is a piece of linen that was printed with one of the last pulls of a deconstructed screen, and recently shiboried. In fact, I sorted out a bunch of early printed fabric this week, which I'll be shiboriing in the next day or so.
If you're interested in this piece, it's now listed at
Etsy and on my
website. Have a wonderful weekend!
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