I'm just beginning to learn how to navigate around Twitter and I've been thinking about how it was when I first started blogging. How overwhelming it felt, but how quickly I absorbed all that I needed to know. There's something daunting, albeit mind stretching, about learning a new piece of technology.
On top of that, my computer downloaded Internet Explorer 8 today, and my internet experience is just a bit different from how it was with IE 7. Oh how I dislike these changes and upgrades that you can't really get around.
And to make matters even more maddening, my internet connection via Suddenlink Communications has been problematic for weeks. I lose the connection several times a day for no apparent reason. It's not my new router, it's Suddenlink. They've been out here twice thus far and still there are periodic problems. If there's no significant change in another week, we'll be going back to AT & T. I'm not relishing having to change my email address everywhere again, especially because I just did that a couple months ago. Oh, technology!
Well, if that's as bad as it gets this weekend, then I'm in good shape! Have a good one!
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