Alright, finally a quilted piece to show for this month! There are 4 more right in line to be quilted. This one is called
Cloud Hidden, Whereabouts Unknown, which is the title of an Alan Watts book from the 1960's, and which is what came to mind as I fished around for a title for this piece. The collage on which this 20x16" quilt is based is just below.

This quilt includes fabrics with just about every technique I do -- including shibori, discharge, paintstix rubbings, gesso printed, low water immersion dyed, dynaflow painted, and setacolor sun printed. Whew!

I did another batch of fiber reactive color samples today -- actually, I redid the first group (what, again?) with more fuchsia, turquoise and black. I want to arrive at a formula that's consistent for all reds and all blues, instead of having to tweak the recipe for each red and each blue.
And what, might you ask, am I doing with all those little sample swatches that I'm NOT going to be using in my color sample book? Well, as luck would have it, my local art quilt/fiber arts group is doing a group challenge, and we're each creating a quilt with our take on the mosaic idea that was featured in QA late last year. And yep, those cool raw silk samples of mine will become a mosaic quilt! Nothing gets wasted in my studio!
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