I've worked on that personal piece I mentioned, for most of the last four or five days. Hope to finish it up today and will post in the next day or two. Then onto the next project, which will likely be a machine stitched quilt that's waiting for me. Then another hand stitched piece...
Knitting continues ~ I showed you this black & white yarn a couple weeks ago being made into something else. When I got ready to make another ball out of the next skein of this stuff, I realized that the remaining yarn, 3 skeins worth, were spun as a singles yarn, not a 2-ply as the first small ball I started with. Then I remembered what I really hadn't liked about the yarn...it didn't work for me at all as a plied yarn. I recalled several unsuccessful attempts I made when I spun it with different thicknesses etc. to get a workable 2-ply. So I ditched that little project and started in on another rectangle with the singles yarn. I expect to get a finished piece that's about 15 by 54 inches.

The last piece is definitely a UFO. Commercial silk noil yarn that I hand dyed several years ago when I was experimenting with larger art cloth pieces. I fancied I'd knit a piece of yardage, essentially, and then do various layers of surface design on the knitted fabric.
I doubt that I'll finish it thus at this point ~ although I haven't a clue what I'll use it for. We shall see.
Hope you're having a good Monday. Talk soon.
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