Enduring Traces

I finished this eco dyed, hand quilted piece yesterday, calling it October Oak.  It's 26x15 inches of recycled linen.

I especially love the prints I've gotten with these oak leaves.  I don't know a lot about oak trees except that there are quite a few in the genus.  The "tree" I get these leaves from is more of a shrub that started as a volunteer right on the edge of the bluff where I live.  Its 3/4 inch branches have repeatedly been cut back so they don't block the view.  It's a small bush I could virtually put my arms around if it were standing on solid ground and not entwined with various other plant life.  But, small is beautiful, I love its leaves.

I'll be having a show of eco dyed hand quilted pieces at Yarn in April.  Yarn is a tiny, very wonderful yarn shop on 2nd Street in Old Town Eureka.  I'm calling the show Enduring Traces ~ recycled, eco dyed, hand quilted fabric.  So for most of the rest of March I'll be working on new pieces for the show.  Deadlines are good, they definitely inspire one to be more productive than usual.


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