I found these cute shelves at Target, a good way to display some small stuff. I am planning to add a couple more of these. I have some smalls that I would like to display and you can change your collections easily. Although they are sturdy, I wouldn't want to put my collectables on them.
My husband found this old sewing machine with cabinet. I'm not really into sewing....although I did try my hand at quilting, but I prefer cross stitch. I love the cabinet though and it also a good place to display things you collect.
Now here's the mess! I have tried everything to organize these shelves. Usually there are more baskets...but I take them off to sort thread, or whatever else I need to do and then I do not return them! I also have another set of wooden shelves with baskets...you know, they look so cute in magazines, but they are not very effective.
She's very patient and sits on the rugs while I sort through my stuff!
Monday, I took both of my new designs to the framer, so I am hoping that at least one of them will be ready to release next week. Several weeks ago, I put together a Christmas design, but just didn't have the time to stitch it. I sat down last weekend and started to work on it and before I knew it, it was almost stitched. So I put my self in high gear and finished it by Sunday night. It is a small sampler, titled, Christmas House Sampler.
Happy Stitching!
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