Just a few weeks ago I thought it might be cool to use a fountain pen again ~ and now I've got five.
Initially I used fountain pens in high school, when I learned shorthand. Yes, younger readers, when I was in high school they taught things like shorthand to girls like me who were planning to work right after they graduated. Those were the days when dictaphone machines were only just becoming cutting-edge technology. Dated...I know.
Subsequently I went to college/university and my jobs never required that I use shorthand. I gave up on fountain pens when I couldn't take class notes fast enough with them. I might have used shorthand in class, but never considered that as an option at the time.
My latest interest in fountain pens was sparked by one of my penpals (Gini from Virginia) who writes consistently with fountain pen and has the most beautiful collection of ink colors I've seen. She also turned me on to the Fountain Pen Network, of which I might be the newest member. Heck, why not?!
Anywho...with the exception of the white pen on the far left, which was a recent gift, the rest of these were quite inexpensive, so I'm trying different pens to see which work best for me (also to have options?). Actually these all write well. The transparent barrel ones are all Pilot models, purchased from JetPens. The ink and cartridges are from there as well.
So...something new to be into, new stuff to find a place to house in my studio, and so it goes.
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