Several years ago a neighbor gave me two 2" nubs off a couple of her epiphyllums (nerds call them epis), and now I've got two awesome, albeit weather beaten, plants growing outside. This is the first year they've bloomed, and each is in its second bloom cycle for the year.
These pink flowers are on one plant. The other, scarlet, will bloom in the next few days and I'll be sure to get a photo.

I made this birthday book for a dear friend in Washington who turns 60 this month. Another friend had given me this book she was recycling, I pulled the innards out, put in new pages, and rebound it.
The cover, spine and endpapers were so glorious that I kept them all intact. The book is 6 x 6 inches (I think -- I forgot to measure it before sending it off), has two signatures, and is bound with the Lightning Bolt stitch.
Happy Birthday (next week) to Jeannie!
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