After I completed that first set of birthday cards, I moved on to these. These are paper and fabric scraps, and lace in a couple cases, stitched onto blank notecards.
The first set of birthday cards were a lot of fun. These were also fun plus a lot more representative of my preferred wabi sabi style.
The blank notecards I've been using are part of what's left from a huge stash I bought in the early 1990s, when I made and sold notecards. It's beautiful recycled cardstock with wheat-like fibers from a company in New Mexico that's no longer in existence. I originally had boxes of 500 cards and envelopes in six or seven different natural shades. I used a lot of it, sold a few boxes, and now have just these natural off-white cards/envelopes left. And still more than I'll likely use during the rest of my life.
And speaking of things no longer being available, the cardstock I've been using for close to 25 years for my business cards is no longer available. Fortunately I still have close to 30 sheets left, and since something is nearly always changing on the card, I only print two or three sheets (20 or 30 cards) at a time these days.
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