These are my three latest woven shibori pieces, off the loom and ready to be dyed. The warp on these is 20/2 bombyx silk (remember the
Warp From Hell I mentioned about 10 days ago -- this was it!) and although the warp is the same on all of them, I used a different silk weft on each. One uses the same 20/2 that I used for the warp; the second uses an interesting silk I got from another artist, it's a matte finished silk that feels as though it has been carded rather than combed; and the third uses a 30/3 fine silk cord.
It's going to be interesting to dye and finish each of them. I'm looking forward to seeing how each of the weft silks takes the dye as well as how each piece feels, overall, when it's finished.
I'm spending the rest of today finishing up some projects and loose ends, so that I can spend the rest of the week finishing off the shiboris, getting started on my next weavings, and applying to and submitting images for some upcoming exhibitions. I hope everybody is having a good week, so far.
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