The fellow looking on is Harry Wells, president of the guild (also an associate dean at Humboldt State University, as well as being an avid spinner and knitter). Harry used to raise Angora bunnies.
That vest I'm wearing was spun and knit by me a number of years ago, and believe it or not, I've only just started wearing it! Funny how that is. The blue scarf was my first piece of woven fabric made entirely of hand dyed, handspun silk hankies.
I'm teaching my second class of three this weekend, Dyeing & Spinning Silk. Students will learn different methods of dyeing silk hankies and caps, as well as tussah and bombyx top. Sunday we'll spin up what we dye on Saturday. This next photo is finished yarns from my last silk dyeing class, last summer.

The third class I've added this season is Color to Dye For, and that one will happen on May 10 and 11. I'll be teaching how to mix and use acid dyes, and students will create a swatch book of colors on silk fabric. If you're interested in attending that class, let me know as soon as possible. There are only six spaces available.
More later!
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