This bearded iris bud, just on the verge of opening, provided ample inspiration for me yesterday. Aren't the colors just magnificent?
So I have 1000 yards, now, of this dyed 10/2 bombyx silk noil yarn for a knitted piece of art cloth. And I'm looking forward to starting in on it...although I may (or may not) hold off just a bit...
Because I'm trying to get six rows a week done on my crocheted afghan so it's pretty close to the 6 ft. by 6 ft. size I'm hoping for to enter in the Humboldt County Fair this year. The afghan isn't quite 5 ft. by 5 ft. yet, and it takes longer and longer to do a row!
Anyway, I'm awash with cool projects again, and for an artist, this is a good thing!
I read a really interesting post this morning on Lisa Call's blog about her kids' Expeditionary Learning school and what they are being taught in the way of Design Principles for life. I just lifted this paragraph from her blog -- check it out for yourself to learn more about it and read what Lisa will have to say about it in the coming days.
"Learning happens best with emotion, challenge and the requisite support. People discover their abilities, values, "grand passions," and responsibilities in situations that offer adventure and the unexpected. They must have tasks that require perseverance, fitness, craftsmanship, imagination, self-discipline and significant achievement. A primary job of the educator is to help students overcome their fear and discover they have more in them than they think."
Very inspiring, and it gives me a sense of the larger scale of my art, as it relates to my life and how I see myself in my life.
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