Enoughness has been an issue for me as I move forward into new artistic areas. As in, knowing when to stop. Being comfortable not using every technique in my toolbox, or even many of them on one piece. I'm thinking, less is more. Stop when I like it. Stop trying to fix it if it ain't broke. Know when to let it be. This is good life-lesson material for me. Kind of like "letting go and letting God."
This is about being happy with what I've done without having to continually tweak it, trying to make it even better. I've tried so diligently in life to make things better for myself, in every way. It's exhausting. I'm doing all I can on so many fronts, holding the wolves at bay as it were. I think I need to let go and just totally immerse myself in the process of living without having to feel unduly responsible for the outcome. Because it's out of my hands. There's only so much I can do, and then it's up to the Universe.
Ah, that supreme act of courage and faith, right in front of me, yet again.
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