But I did finish my art quilt group project yesterday, and that's it, above. Entitled Samoa Beach ~ Humboldt County, it is 16 x 14" and combines handpainted or screened fabric with commercial batiks. The backing is a piece of deconstructed screened cotton. The photo of the ocean, closeup below, was printed on linen pre-treated with Golden Digital Ground Matte. I loved the color saturation with the digital ground, but do not like how stiff the fabric is. Next time I use this stuff with fabric, I'll likely only paint one coat instead of the recommended two. And I might thin it a bit with water, which Golden recommends NOT doing. But then again, I'm using it on fabric, not paper or canvas for which it was intended.

If I sound perpetually upbeat about this move (read: transformation), know I've been keeping the less-comfortable emotional aspects of my change off this blog, and putting that stuff on my personal blog. If you have any interest in reading my lamentations about it, go there.
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