The new studio I'll be moving into is really tiny. I spent some time there yesterday. And I'm planning to devote a small part of really tiny to a bit of living space as well -- my beloved pea green sofa, a little table, a lamp or two (distinct from the task lighting I'll have everywhere), a bookshelf. Currently I'm using four tables for various parts of my art work -- my main studio table that's 96" x 36," my kitchen dyeing/wet work table that's 72" x 30," my collage table that's 48" x 30," and my sewing table that's 60" x 30." (I didn't even count the 80" x 36" table in the front bedroom/sales studio that I used for doing beadwork when I did that.)
The new studio is basically two rooms, one of which has a brand new kitchen along one wall. That'll be my living area and house one table for dyeing, etc. Maybe that'll have to be the 5' table instead of the 6' one. I'll just have to get stuff in there and see what will work. I know I'll be lopping a foot off the big studio table, and that will go in the second room. I really don't need all that length like I thought I would. And I think I'll use the 4' table to sew on. The remaining table, along with a lot of other stuff including my loom, will go in storage.
My art quilt group met Monday night and we showed our Humboldt County-oriented pieces. Here I was chastising myself beforehand because I hadn't completed my ocean/beach piece (it's basted and ready to quilt), and I was way ahead of everyone else.
I'm always out in front, it seems, and I'm saying this not to gloat in any way, but because it is perhaps evidence of my tendency to move too quickly through life. To want the answers in life to come before I've fully lived into the questions. And mostly what's in front of me right now is questions. So I may as well just slow down and be with them.
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