Closing Remarks

What an incredible shibori workshop that was, exactly what I'd hoped for. Jan Myers-Newbury is a kick, besides being an awesome dyer and quilter. I feel honored to have been able to work with her. The images that follow are from our last day of dyeing, Tuesday.

The first piece was folded and clamp resisted and put in a pot of brilliant orange dye. After rinsing, washing and drying, it was pole wrapped and overdyed.

The second piece was wrapped around a piece of very thick rope, and dyed. After rinsing, washing and drying, it was rewrapped around the rope again and redyed.

The third piece was clamp resisted and dyed, finished and dried, then folded, tied, and overdyed.

This piece was folded, clamp resisted and dyed, finished and dried, then pole wrapped and overdyed.

The last piece was pole wrapped first, then had dye applied to the fabric while on the pole, and after sitting for about 20 minutes, it was overdyed.

I'm totally stoked that I have a whole new arsenal of shibori techniques to draw upon. It's about all I want to do right now, and I'm envisioning how it's all going to work in my new studio.

Speaking of the new studio, I expect to be fully moved by the end of this weekend. Maybe I'll take a few photos tomorrow, of everything in boxes on the floor of the studio, for my "before" shots. I hope to have things set up within the next week or 10 days, so I can get into making art again!


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