The fabric in the upper left with the large color areas is cotton flannel. I had about a yard that was LWI dyed recently. Flannel is really lovely fabric to work with ~ it dyes magnificently, is really soft, and quilts well. I recommend it if you haven't tried it yet.
Here's black shibori batch number three. I used Procion MX #44. It looks really similar to batch two, on which I used Procion MX #300, but the #44 is just slightly purpler.
Last night I had a couple of great ideas for using these black shiboried fabrics, so today I did my fourth black batch, this time with Cibacron Rich Black #F61. I actually shiboried with this black dye a while ago but thought perhaps I'd made a mistake -- because the white pattern areas turned out pink! Well, it happened again today and now I realize that this particular black dye, although great for overall dyeing (I had a pair of Scotty's jeans in the pot and they turned out beautifully), it's not to be used for shibori. One of the Procion black dyes, #250, specifically says it shouldn't be used for shibori, although it gives a deep black in full immersion, and I suspect this is the same dye as the Cibacron Rich Black.
Well, black and pink isn't so terrible, if you're into the 1950's, poodle skirts, T-Birds, and all that, but since the black in these shibori pieces is really more of a navy blue...in short, the fabric is pretty icky looking. I think Scotty just got more custom dyed RAGS for work!
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