I did the first of four black shibori batches today -- this one with Procion MX Black #39. This black has a slightly greenish cast, a bit more so than shows up in the photos.
As I mentioned yesterday, I'm planning a quilt -- or a series of quilts -- utilizing shiboried black fabrics. My original thought was to combine fabrics from all four batches in one piece, although that may change, depending on the fabrics and how they look together. I'll be doing the second batch in the next few days.
I also designed my next quilt today, stitched the top together and hand basted the whole thing. I'm quite happy with it, can't wait to see it completed. The fabrics -- shiboried, printed, and digitized -- had been on my design wall for several weeks. I'm finding that the way I create a piece is to preview fabrics on the design wall first, and look at them for a few weeks. Then I take them down, decide on how big the finished quilt will be, and start ripping and arranging fabric pieces on my work table. I had great fun doing this today.
Taking a studio vacation tomorrow, so I can attend the Redwood Empire Quilt Guild show in Eureka. See you Monday!
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