This is my first finished piece from the "black" shibori batches I did recently. Recall that I did three batches with three different Procion black dyes. Each black leaned toward green, blue/turquoise or blue/purple. I do intend to do another batch with two of the blacks together, likely next week. What's interesting is that the blacks that I did get look quite a bit like different shades of indigo.
Anyhow, this quilt is called Pulsation. I really enjoyed working on it this week and am happy with the way it turned out.
A follow up to yesterday's note about my feeling blue ~ I was in better spirits today than I'd been all week. I'm thinking, whatever energetic effect happening recently has either passed, or I've gotten into the groove with it.
On to the next piece ready to quilt...and those stacks of fabric are still on my table waiting to be arranged!
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