Photos of my work hanging at Humboldt Carpet Showroom -- these were taken just before folks started arriving. There was a good crowd, it was busy throughout the evening. I shared the space with two very large, wall-sized paintings full of Mayan images and symbols, done by two painters together. And, of course, rugs piled or rolled up everywhere!

So finally, last week is over and the next two don't look nearly as busy, although I'll be down in Southern Humboldt this coming week and the following week, one day each week, for a dental evaluation and then cleaning at Redwoods Rural Health Center. Of course there are numerous dentists in Fortuna and Eureka, but RRHC runs a low-income program, and that means me!

A few house projects today, then off to the studio on another gorgeous autumn day...and tonight's the Harvest Moon!
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