I did another round of suminagashi (prints of oily ink on water) last weekend, primarily because I wanted to try coloring the prints with Caran D'ache watercolor crayons and metallic acrylic textile paints. This piece above has the latter. The watercolor crayons didn't work real well, at least how I used them, because the fabric was too wet when I colored it...so the color dissipated too much. And I don't really care for the way the metallic paint worked either, so I probably won't try this again. Or possibly I'll wait til the fabric is dry, or nearly so before I color it.
I had several pieces of fabric prepared for this, meaning they'd been soaked in Bubble Jet Set and dried, so I did a few suminagashi prints without coloring them.

I actually like my results better than the first time I tried this. The pattern areas are much more well defined. Some of them remind me of Marimeko fabrics from the 1970s.

And now, for the latest in
Industrial Chic, Scotty models his new coveralls, recently shiboried with khaki fiber reactive dye. He looks ready for anything, doesn't he!?
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