This week's quilt is called
Creation Myth (#45.09). The name came to me as I worked on it because the digital image herein reminds me somehow of Michelangelo's "Creation of Adam" on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Don't ask me how or why!
The image is actually a macro shot of bark on an old apple tree, and I printed it on raw silk. It was one of my very first digital images on fabric and I came across it last weekend and wanted to use it in a small quilt. The shibori pieces I'd thrown in the pot a couple weeks ago when I tie dyed Scotty's coveralls. And the quilt has been enhanced with metallic paintstix.

I've spent most of the last three days putting beads on my green fields quilt, a daunting effort which I'm glad I didn't fully consider
before I began beading it -- or I might not have done it at all! I'm about three quarters finished now and it's dazzling!
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