I finished this piece today...it's called
Snake Eyes. This is my first quilt where I replicated one of my collages, with digital images on fabric. The collage is just below.
The sections of the collage that aren't parts of the python are torn pieces from a sheet of paper that I deconstructed printed a while back. This is also a very cool thing to do -- printing off a few pieces of paper with deconstructed screens at the same time you're printing fabric. The kind of kelly green splotches on white backgrounds were Shiva paintstix on paper.
I like how the whole piece translated to fabric, and quilting it was a pleasure. I used four different green threads. The images were printed on linen, and right to the edge of the fabric. I overlapped the sections slightly, then zigzagged with transparent thread. The other way to tile the fabric sections, of course, is to leave a border when printing, then stitch the pieces together right sides together. I wanted to avoid a thick seam, though, which is why I chose to overlap the sections.
I'm working on a few pieces now that are based on or influenced by collages I've done recently. Although the piece here is 16x20, the other ones will be 12x16. I'm planning a whole series of them throughout 2010. I anticipate some will be complete digital images on fabric while others will be machine appliqued collages in their own right, based on the paper collages.
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