My latest collage quilt...the best of the recent bunch IMO. And this is the one I had decided not to do! Oh well, mind's change and I think I'm back into this genre of quilts.
Anyhow, it's called
Mother of Pearl, the star of which is that big abalone shell, which in the quilt is a digital image from the original collage, last photo below.

I'm sure there will be more collage quilts in my future -- meaning, based on my daily paper collages. I have a never ending supply of those, enough to keep me quilting just these for the rest of my life! But of course, there will be lots of other quilts as well. I've found my medium, after years of working in numerous other areas creatively. Art quilting is seeming to bring it all together for me.
Hope you're all having a lovely Christmas Day. Soon as I finish up here, I'm off to the studio. Today is just another Friday for me, which is just how I want it to be!
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