I decided today that my personal challenge for 2010 will be making two 16x12 quilts each month, both inspired by the same photo. This will give me a good opportunity to work out different design solutions for one source of inspiration rather than moving on too quickly to something else. Partly this is influenced by another online group called Digital to Textile, eight artists who use the same photo as inspiration for each different challenge. The range of their work, their completely different take on the same photo, is awesome.
So I'm going to end this year with two quilts based on a photo I took in Italy two plus years ago. This afternoon I worked on the first one.
Work also continues on my Fiberactions challenge quilt. It's being one of those projects where you think you know where you're going when you start, then step by step everything changes and you make different choices. The most important part for me is getting started and just letting it evolve without preconceptions. Each "mistake" I make leads to a better outcome.
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