My latest portrait of BeeGee -- made from start to finish on Sunday with the intention of having it on display at the
Sequoia Humane Society. I'm loving the way these are turning out...and I'm also loving that I'm finally learning what I've wanted to know about creating layers in Photoshop! The backing fabric is a fat quarter that I recently deconstructed screen printed over a dye paint job.

So as I mentioned last week, regarding these quilted pet portraits, I will be taking custom orders for them through SHS and donating a portion of the proceeds back to the Humane Society. If you're interested in ordering a portrait of
your pet,
email me and I'll email you a flyer. All I need to make one is a jpg image file via email, your color preference(s) and selected size. All info is on the flyer. Payment will be through PayPal.
I'll be making a donation to SHS for any and all custom orders, whether they come through the Society or not!
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