If you're interested in participating in this cool project, and you have six months from now to create your sketchbook before mailing it in mid-January 2011, definitely go to the website. What a fabulous way to take part in a worldwide art "happening" that will travel around the country for a year or two, AND become part of the permanent collection of The Brooklyn Art Library. And you don't have to be an artist to sign up. It's open to everyone. So check it out and have fun.
Weekends have become big collage-making events in my studio, and yesterday was no different. Since I began my daily practice working in an 8.5x11 spiral bound sketchbook, I've filled a few of those as well as 11x14s...and now I want to work bigger and smaller. I'm feeling moved toward more of a mixed media thing, so we'll see where that takes me. I'm totally enjoying it. So it's off to the studio, again, for another day of joyful artmaking!
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