I'll be spending much of this weekend prepping for my acid dyeing workshop next weekend -- I haven't taught the class in two years (possibly three), I have more students this time and a different studio space to work in than before. So there's lots of organization and prep work to be done.
The weekend after next, my plan is to do some mono- and other printing for the next Fiberactions challenge quilt, themed "stretch" and due September 15.
The weekend after that, and primarily on Sunday August 22, I'll be working at the 15th Annual Woofstock & Mutt Strut, Sequoia Humane Society's big pet party fundraiser at Halvorsen Park in Eureka.
The only thing that's continuing unabated now is collage making, both Sketchbook Project and otherwise. The two pieces shown here are from Thursday and Friday this week. I'm parceling these collages out, although part of me wants to just fill in the entire Sketchbook in one sitting!

I'm imagining an entire library of sketchbooks filled with collages...the daily one I'm working in now -- my regular collage journal -- is already number seven, and I only began early in 2009. It has become somewhat of an addiction.
I've been puttering in my studio a lot lately, too -- moving stuff around, reorganizing, straightening, finding ways to put more things into the same small space. I love doing this, and it's long overdue.
Hope you have a lovely weekend -- I know I will!
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