What really inspired me, though, was the subtly changing colors on the drapes in the background. I was struck by the awesome color contrasts -- in particular, brilliant orange and metallic aqua. I usually go for monochromatic or analogous colorways, so it's interesting that big color contrasts are "up" for me at the moment.
I fished out this brilliant orange cotton I dyed a while back, and my aqua PearlEx metallic pigment -- and then came across these images of jellies recently added to my big box of collage fodder. Now I know why I was so attracted to the images...apparently something is moving me in this directly colorwise. So I'm curious to see what I do with this electric combo.
I've created a Page on my blog for Sketchbook Project Collages, and new ones will be added there instead of the blog proper. I've been missing my work with fabric...so I'll have to get back to fiber arts for my primary blog posts. Whatever it takes!
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