My latest three Sketchbook Project collages, also just posted on my
Page. In between making collages this week, I've dyed a couple pieces of fabric as possible candidates for my Stretch challenge quilt. The first piece, while lovely, won't fill the bill for the quilt. So I have another batching and will finish it off this morning.

The really cool news is that two of my quilts were accepted into
"simply irRESISTible," a show of resist-related textile art opening September 12 at
some things looming gallery in Reading, PA. Can't tell you how excited I am about this -- there are only 24 artists in the show, and 37 pieces. And two of them are
I'm really looking forward to this weekend -- no plans other than studio time and I'm planning to move forward on a few fronts. I promised myself I'd do some monoprinting this weekend, and I've been pulling materials together to do that. I'm focusing on using paint rather than dye, and can't wait to see what happens. I've only done it with thickened dyes in the past, and haven't been especially happy with the results.
So look for more photos sometime this weekend.
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