I was feeling iffy about this piece, until I quilted it today. Glad to say it turned out better than I imagined. Sometimes things just really work, and everything about this 12x12" quilt works for me -- the image, the shapes, the quilting. It's called
Secret Passage.
I think I haven't mentioned this before, but I am working on this 12x12" series of Italian images for one of my two local shows next year. And it's a good exercise to work in a series that holds together, one or more elements common to all of them. I am aiming for at least 12 pieces, with a stretch goal of 18 or more.
Secret Passage is number 7.

A lot has been written about the value of working in series, and I'm finding it enlightening to be working thus. I know I've wanted to quit this one a few times -- not because I'm not enjoying the fruits of my labors nor because I don't like them (I am and I do), but because I fear falling into a rut, repeating myself, making formulaic work. Of course it's likely way too early in my art quilting career to be worrying about these things...but I do want to keep things fresh, I do want to mix things up often, I don't want to do too much of the same thing. If for no other reason than the boredom factor.
But no, I am not bored with this series. And in fact, after being away from it for a couple of weeks, I see some gradual shifts. So I am newly ignited.
Today's Sketchbook collage is posted
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