These are all cellulose fabrics, mostly old cotton and one or two old linen. For plant material, most bundles had BIG oak leaves I gathered by the road over a month ago. I'd kept them in the fridge in a big flat ziploc bag with newspaper between layers of leaves.
First photo, though, has euc leaves from a "new to me" tree in the neighborhood. It has much smaller leaves than the variety I've used up to now. What makes this piece so interesting is what the fabric was wrapped around -- a thin strip of rusty metal that was folded in thirds. The spaces between the metal parts left this kind of checked pattern.
Second photo is oak leaves and onion skins around copper pipe.

Third photo is tin can lids and oak leaves. I just love what those lids do in the dyepot.
The pot itself had some walnut dye and black rust water in it. Most of the bundles were wrapped around aluminum or copper pipes. Two or three had rusty things in them.
The next photo shows oak leaves with the fabric wrapped up around a flattened piece of aluminum. Actually it was the shade from a cheap shop lamp the switch of which had gone bad after 12 years of constant use. I flattened the shade by jumping on it.
The next photo is my tried-and-true big leaved euc wrapped around a rusty car spring. Notice the striations from the spring at the bottom.

Hope you have a great weekend!
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