I'm still stitching away on the piece below. You last saw the center section, here. The discharged squares got stitched and beaded over the weekend. Now I'm on the outside area, the green/brown shiboried linen. Hand stitching the shibori. With 30 wt. silk thread. Tiny modified back stitches. I keep asking myself why the heck I'm doing this. I don't have an answer, I just keep stitching.

All this hand stitching has given me a new appreciation for sewing thread. The best stuff I can get locally is Gutermann, and I'm in love with their cotton, rayon and silk threads. I still have a lifetime supply of DMC embroidery floss but it just isn't working for me these days. Since I'm mostly hand stitching, and not embroidering, I suppose that's apropos.
Dinner awaits, and then likely more stitching!
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