This morning I busied myself dyeing these skeins of re-purposed cashmere yarn for weaver Bonnie Tarses in Seattle. I like the idea of reclaiming old items knit with natural fibers, unraveling them, dyeing the yarn, and making something new with it. This yarn dyed rather unevenly, but I'm hoping Bonnie will find that charming and unusual. The yarn was not white to begin with -- one skein was pale blue/pale yellow/white, and the other was pale yellow/white. Likely that had something to do with the uneven takeup of dye color.
I spent much of the last two days working on my new art quilt, and hope to have it completed later today.
I'll be writing an article this weekend on silks to spin with, at the request of weaver Bonnie Samuel, who's blog features educational and historical information about fibers. Look for the article right here early next week.
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