Ta Da! My new website is up and running. It's like a breath of fresh air to me. Have a look here, and see what you think. If you've been to my former website, I think you'll like the clean lines of the new one, plus more and different work than I had on the other. The best part is that pretty much everything about it is totally within my control, so the site can grow and change right along with me and my art. What a concept!
In other news, I'm having an End-of-Year GRATITUDE SALE at my Etsy shop! All fibers and yarns are on sale at 25% off from now until the end of the year. I am very appreciative of the support and patronage I've had this year from fiber artists here in the U.S. and around the world. I've really loved sending fiber off to places near and far, playing a small part in others' creative ventures.
I haven't decided yet, though, whether I'll continue to sell fiber after the end of the year. The fact is that since about midway through this year, sales have slowed down -- probably because there are so many other folks selling at Etsy now, more and more of them selling fibers just like I do (albeit some with higher prices than mine!). But the way Etsy is organized, the last items posted there are the first ones a buyer sees when they do a search for something. So newer sellers, or sellers who turn over their inventory really quickly and repost items, have the advantage. Unfortunate, but true.
Everything changes. Nothing stays the same for very long. This is just life as we know it. Anyway, check out my new website, let me know what you think, and if you're an artist looking for where and how to set up your first website, or a replacement one, email me and I'll put you in touch with the folks I'm working with now. Thanks!
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