Here's what I started with -- a silk woven shibori scarf I made late last year. I never liked the colors of this piece -- the purple was too intense, the green was too blue for my taste.
But it didn't occur to me to overdye it until recently, when I decided to overhaul a few early pieces. So I immersion dyed it in yellow, to sweeten the color up. But the dyestock looked weak, so I added more and subsequently the colors were neon-like! No problem, back into the dyepot!

So I immersed it in magenta, to turn it more brown, and the magenta also brought the original colors a lot closer together...and now it no longer had that jarring contrast.

Last step -- yesterday I stitched the piece into a tube, scrunched over a pole, and this morning I bomaki shibori'd it. Now I really like it. The piece is called Autumn Wood, and it is part of my initial inventory of handwoven art cloth.

All told, this piece of cloth has been dyed six times! It's hard to tell from the photo, but the depth of color from all those dye jobs is just awesome.
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