I completed my
communication quilt today, for
Fiberactions' second challenge...but you won't get to see it until March 15. I'm really happy with it, think it might be my very best quilt so far!
The photos here are samples of experiments I've been doing with Dynaflow textile paints, and I think I'll be doing a lot more of this. I've been scrunching up fabric, putting it in a small container so it holds the folds, and applying watered-down Dynaflow to the peaks of the fabric. Letting it dry, and then ironing to set the paint. The photo above has Lumiere applied to some edges after the paint.
I'm really intrigued by the possibilities with this technique. I've been experimenting with different amounts of moisture in the fabric to see how much color bleed I get. I could also stitch the folds, but I'm trying not to use my hands unnecessarily these days!
I'll upload more photos as they're available.
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