What I did differently yesterday was this: I used two colors of dye -- black and teal -- I let the fabric steep in the dye for an hour, then I agitated, added soda ash, and left the bucket to batch overnight. I was hoping the dye colors would separate into their component parts, instead I got more of a bluish black with minor separation. It kind of looked like indigo, in the end. The only two pieces of fabric above that were white when I began yesterday are the second and third pieces from the left. Everything else had been low water or shibori dyed previously. Except for the bluish purple piece on the right, which I had painted with Dynaflow the other day. I really like Dynaflow -- it's like dye, only it's paint!
I completed my second photo quilt for February, today, and I'll upload it tomorrow. I'm really happy with it -- everything about it is different from what I've done before. Can't wait for you to see it!
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