For the second month, now, I have a show of my work at
Eureka Fabrics, 420 2nd Street in Old Town Eureka. I hung an additional six pieces yesterday, and I'll be there this evening for Eureka's
Arts Alive! The show includes some recent art quilts, some from last year including
Overlooking Eden above, and two pieces of handwoven artcloth. If you're in Eureka, please drop by this evening and say hi!

I'm also having an Open Studio Sale this weekend and next, Saturday and Sunday both weekends, 11-5 pm all days, at my studio in Fortuna.
Circles 2, above, is just one of the many pieces I have for sale and
on sale (meaning at a significantly reduced price). If you're in the area this weekend, or traveling here next weekend and you'd like to stop by,
email me for directions and info.
Hope you have a great weekend -- looks like we're in for more rain. Something tells me it may never stop raining this year...I hope I'm wrong!
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