This is the front of the quilt back shown last post,
Going in Circles, just completed an hour ago. Turned out to be another major beading effort, but well worth it. I keep forgetting to measure my quilts, but this one must be 12 or 13 by close to 30 inches.

The central image is a digital print on Osnaburg cotton, the other two major pieces are soy wax batik discharged.

I tried several options for embellishing the digital image after quilting -- on test pieces, of course -- and beading turned out to be the best thing to do. The glass beads highlight the quilting design without obscuring the image in any way. I had experimented with light applications of metallic paint and metallic paintstix, but both were too opaque. And I had the perfect beads so it was a no-brainer.

Still working on that deadline, tomorrow I'll start the second piece.
I never did see
Toy Story 3 on Saturday -- Small Town Living: I think the only 3D theater in Humboldt County is right here in Fortuna...Saturday their projector wasn't working! Thinking I'll probably see the movie tomorrow afternoon, unfortunately though, without my friend Vicky.
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