I've been busy, gearing up for things to come. I have three medium-small sized (15 or 18" by about 25") quilts ready to quilt now and I really should get going on them. Other things keep getting in the way -- like designing the third of the bunch this morning. And working on those 12x12" Italian photo quilts I'm enjoying. And working on the Fiberactions Memory quilt.
Speaking of that, the other day I said I'd be ripping out what I had quilted on that piece the previous day. I ended up dismantling the entire thing, right down to the constituent pieces of fabric that HAD been zigzagged onto the foundation fabric. But now I'm nearly finished redesigning it and of course, I like it a whole lot more than I did originally. Hoping to have it done by the end of this coming week.
I mentioned recently that I was thinking about starting to teach, and toward that end I have put together a list of workshops that I feel competent and confident in offering. Follow this link to see the list of workshops. The only one that's scheduled is the Acid Dyeing Workshop in early August in Fortuna CA. I'm open and available for teaching anything on the list to your group or guild. For more information, please contact me.
I realize there are numerous online venues these days for teaching classes...but I'm much more interested in doing hands on work with students than putting together an online, distance learning sort of thing...just in case you were wondering whether I'd given this any thought.
I'm hanging a permanent show of my work this Monday, at Sequoia Springs Assisted Living Community in Fortuna. The community relations director there recently decided to jettison the reproduction art hanging everywhere in the facility and invited local artists to claim a wall as their own and keep it stocked with art for sale. And they'll be promoting this to the North Coast community by having an Art Show on Saturday, June 26 from 11 to 4pm. If you're in Humboldt County, plan to come on by and see all the fabulous local art!
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