Hello Everyone....
Marleen here with another lovely card for you!!!
For this card I used a sketch. Its not something I have ever done much
of so I found it a bit intimidating when starting out. But once I got
started and reminded myself, that a sketch is just a guideline,
it started to flow. I love the way my card turned out. Its different
to the other Tsunami Rose cards I've made, and I really like
that, as I admit, I've have gotten totally carried away with
my papers. I have so far made 10 cards using
mainly the "Christmas Gift" Printable Journal kit...

The only bits I added to the card, is the flowers, leaves and the lace.
The paper is just the one sheet printed out. It comes with the
greeting printed on, so really great for those last minute christmas cards!!!
I hope enjoyed the project I have created today...
please stop by my blog anytime for
a visit at Marleen's Crafty Space!!!
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