I finished constructing my Italy travel journal yesterday. I had a great time working on it. The journal is 7.5 x 9.5 inches and has three signatures stitched in with the Diamond X stitch. This stitch requires sewing in all three signatures at one time ~ it was actually pretty easy, once I got past the first couple of sewing stations (holes on the vertical).
The spine was created with wallpaper, the same stuff inside and outside. There are four layers right on the 1.5 inch spine.
I'm dedicating the journal to my paternal grandparents, Ben and Sara Berk, who were in Rome in March 1953 -- yep, 60 years ago next March.
The journal has a lot of stitching in it -- every page, actually, except maybe two -- because each folio had to be up to 18 inches long to accommodate the horizontal covers. And there are close to 30 pockets of one sort or another inside.
Last night we arrived in Venice and today it's a sunny blue-sky day -- or it was...it's now evening Wednesday in Venice although I woke up less than an hour ago on the North Coast.
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