Well as the New Year vastly approaches...
we all here at Tsunami Rose Designs are still lovin'
Sooo onto another Christmas card showing off this
awesome design printable by Daisy Collins...
I just added some lace, flat back pearls, flowers,
leaves, gemstones, distressed the edges and thats it.
These gorgeous papers speak for themselves!!!
This journal has soooo many pages to be creative with...
its just awesome!!! The ideas are endless... Drop by
Tsunami Rose Designs Vintage Shop today and get yours!!!
Feel free to drop in on my blog to see more creations,
with these gorgeous printables!!!
Check out our giveaway and learn more about our
"Challenge Wednesday" beginning in January!!
Just a few days left!!!

Tsunami Rose Design Zibbet shop is having a sale??
Just a few days left!!!

Tsunami Rose Design Zibbet shop is having a sale??
Check out the great deals going on right now,
it is a great opportunity to try out the wonderful
printables you see features on this blog.
(click picture to go to zibbet shop)

(click picture to go to zibbet shop)

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