Old Stuff

The last big rummage sale of the season happened on Saturday, the Humboldt Sponsors sale that raises money for children's programs on the North Coast.  It's always a good one for old linens, and this year was no exception.  In the photo above you'll see about 90% of what I got -- the rest hadn't been ironed yet when I took the photo.  I loaded up on tea napkins and tea tablecloths and a few assorted other goodies -- all linen, all beautiful.

This is my faux ecodyed shirt, another find at just $1.  This is one of those hunter camo shirts, with oak trees and leaves printed on.  I can't pass up a good men's shirt, they're all I wear, truth be told.  Pants, jeans and undies are the only women's things I buy, everything else I buy men's (including men's cotton a-shirts instead of frilly camis -- I can't stand the lycra and itchy lace in the latter).

I like the way men's shirts fit and I buy 'em big.  I like my clothes loose and comfy.  Men's shirts are far better made than women's clothes are, they last a lifetime, they always come with extra buttons, the stitching never comes out, the colorways are more to my liking.  I've built a wardrobe of men's shirts that have hardly cost me anything.  This summer I got into wearing aloha shirts ~ I have a collection of nine, some silk, the rest rayon, I paid less than $1 on average for each of them, and each one has years of life left in it.

There's a saying that you keep repeating something until you finally learn the lesson ~ and I had my final repeat over the weekend of something that's taken me eons to learn.   I created a sales event for myself at a friend's shop in downtown Eureka on Saturday, and just repeated what I'd really already learned -- my artwork hardly and rarely sells.  It's too hard on me emotionally when it doesn't, and I've finally got that one deep in my gut. 

The amount of internal grief I suffer isn't worth the very few bucks I make -- which, in this case, just about covered my gas into Eureka and a few prep supplies I bought beforehand.  Lesson learned.  This, too, is old stuff.


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